Sunday, December 25, 2011

Chapter Three: The Guests

Helmand Province
August 12, 2011
01: 11 PM

" Sir, we are running out of fuel!" Reports Matthias from driver seat.  The jeep has been driven without stop for more than an hour on the desert soil. It starts running out of fuel. 

" Alright. Stop the car. Let's see where we are." Orders Nate.

" Everyone! Disembark! Set up a defensive perimeter." Orders him again.

All of the ninjas except wounded Captain Cunningham get off fom the vehicle and perform a square defensive site around the jeep behind rocks. 

Matthias sets up a captured map and compass. From the map reading, it shows that the party have gone far north toward Laskar Gah, the province's capital.

" As what's planned, we'll seek help first from nearby settlement. Let's see what we have." Says Nate.

" This is sir, there's a closest place named Jahandar. Possibly a village." Answers Matthias.

" We'll see. How far is it from here?" Comments Nate.

" It shows it's only  a mile."

" Gear up. We'll go there. Spend all fuel we have." Orders Nate.

" yes, sir."

The party continues their journey. They stop near a small lake. From their stop, the party proceed their path and behind rocks, they see hovels, houses and mud walls over a high ground. That's the village. 

When Matthias starts to go near the village, he is halted by Nate, " Stop. There's something not right about the village. Where are the villagers?"

Nobody is seen on and outside the village. No goats or other animals.

" Have they known about us?"

" I don't know."   Answers Nate.

" This is what we're going to do."

" Split the team. Me and Shiori will proceed through their main gate. While you and Cyrus (Takayama) will proceed from the east. Ray (Kim) and Captain Cunningham stay here.

After passing the order, Nate speaks to Captain Cunningham, " Captain, we're about to go to a village nearby. We have to leave you here for a while. I don't want to do this, but we have to."

" Don't worry, Sir. I have this and this." Replies Captain Cunningham showing his Python revolver and captured AK74SU.

" Everything's alright, then." Says Nate with smile.

The party start to advance to the village. Still when they have reached its walls, nobody is seen or heard. When Nate and Shiori are proceeding through the first hovel, Nate sees a black tomahawk (axe) over a drum. He gives it to Shiori. " Shiori, take this." Whispers Nate. Suddenly, they run into a rifle armed man in Pakul hat and Pashtun grey dress. The man initially doesn't see them but when he turns, he is surprised. Just as when he is preparing his weapon in hurry and about to start screaming, a flying tomahawk hits him. It is Shiori.  She threw it. Nate immediately drags the dead armed man out of street but still traces of blood leaves trail. He pulls the blood covered Tomahawk out of the man and gives it again to Shiori. A second armed man appears but imediately shot by Nate and the third man is slashed by ninja sword.  Meanwhile, Matthias and Takayama meets fewer armed men, they kill them with bladed weapons and shuriken throws. At the vilage center, the two party meet with a little stand off for each party initially think another as enemy. A little boy suddenly appears from nowhere abit far from them. Both party are surprised. Nate calls the little boy with gestures and tells him to go out from the village. Later, they find on the village square, villagers are gathered on the middle surrounded by about ten armed men in Pashto dress and Pakul hats. One of the armed men speak loud in Pashto toward the silent villagers.

" The guerillas.." Thinks Nate. " That's why no one is seen."

" What's the order, sir?" Asks Matthias.

" Wait for the right moment. If they see us, they would be more difficult to deal."

Suddenly, a young man among the villagers wearing Karakul hat sees Nate, surprising him. Nate's surprised, " We've been spotted." He immediately gestures the man to be silent. The young man is yelled by one of the armed man for looking around. He then speaks to two young men on his right and his left. He then pretends to look around again and looks at Nate. His two hands gestures a rifle. Again he is spotted by one of the armed men and yelled again. The angry insurgent, being suspicious, walks toward Nate's place. When he is just one step from Nate's corner, he is immediately caught and stabbed by Nate's sword. The man looks at Nate in surprise then dies soon. The dead insurgent is dragged away by Matthias. Now the young man knows, that what the small assailants need is a right moment and he will create it.

The young man immediately pretends to be ill and screams. The insurgents and  villagers’ attention shift into the young man. Seeing that, Nate orders his party to commence attack. Shiori’s Enfield shot kills the insurgent leader. The shot disperses all civilians around at all direction. The surprised insurgents are given no chance but have five of them shot. One of them, tries to aim his AK rifle at the attacking party but his attempt is halted by Shiori’s Tomahawk throwing. The young man delivers his resistance by shifting an insurgent’s rifle fires toward the other way, preventing him from shooting at Nate. Soon they resort into hand to hand combat, trying to get the rifle from each other. When the insurgent is about to shoot at the young man, Nate, seeing that, immediately throws his ninja sword at the insurgent, impaling him. 

“ He is getting away!” Says the young man in English pointing at a fleeing insurgent.

“ Everyone! Get him! Don’t let him get away!” Shouts Nate.  

 The ninjas are chasing the insurgent until the village bank. 

“ Shiori, use the sniper rifle!” Shouts Nate to Shiori.

The man running on the plain is on Shiori’s Enfield’s black metal aim sight. She moves the aim at the right as if the line of fire would be in front of the running insurgent. After a moment, Shiori’s fire throws the man, ending his run and life.

“ Take him. No one can see.” Says Nate to Matthias.

" Sir, the village is secure. What's your order?" Reports Takayama to Matthias.

" Bring Captain Cunningham and Kim. Remove all weapons and supllies off the jeep. Destroy it. Call the village's elders. Watch for threats nearby." Orders Nate to Matthias.

" You hear that. Go!" Says Matthias.

" Yes, sir! Right away!" Replies Takayama.

 When Nate, Shiori and Matthias return to the village square to see the elders, they meet with gathering villagers and the young man.

Nate asks the young man, " You speak English? What is your name?"

" I am Aslan Ghalzai, the son of the village chief.. These are my brothers, Atal and Atsak." Answers the young man in Pakistani accent.

" My name is Nathaniel Kato. May I speak with the chief?"

" Yes, my father wants to meet you."

An old man with other elders surges forward and starts to speak in Pashto.

" Will you translate what he said?" Asks Nate.

" My father asked who are you. Are you American soldiers?" Translates Ghalzai.

" Greetings, Village Chief. We are not American soldiers. We are civilian workers stranded on this area. Our plane was shot down and all of us are survivors. We also have a wounded personnel. We need your help to inform or show us where International or Afghan forces base nearby. Please accept us as your guests. We'll try our best not to be a burden for you and protect this village. Anything you spend for us will be paid."

After listening to Nate's answer, the chief starts to speak again.

" Greetings. If you are not American soldiers, why do you carry weapons?" Translates Ghalzi.

Nate stares at Ghalzi then answers, " To protect ourselves and carry out our jobs?"

The chief confers with elders then talks again to Ghalzi.

" You are welcomed as our guests. According to our custom, you will be protected and supplied with food as long as you stay inside our village. If you are outside, we are free from our obligation. We ask you and your men to protect this village." Says Ghalzi.

" I accept it. I am grateful for it. This village will be rewarded." Says Nate.

The chief accepts Nate's offering. Ghalzi addresses Nate, " Mr. Kato, I will be a speaker between you and the elders. Please tell what you will do."

Kids are gathering and watching as Matthias and Kim go back and fro carrying weapons, supplies and Captain Cunningham. Several kids chat between themselves pointing to a pile of AK rifles, a PK Machine gun, RPG launchers, a map, a compass and grenades as well a gasoline can and a radio. Suddenly, an explosion occurs. Ghalzi quakes in fear. Kids and other villagers are surprised.

" Don't worry. That's my subordinates. We destroyed our jeep to prevent it being used by enemies, besides, it has run out of fuel." Explains Nate. 

Ghalzi addresses the villagers in Pashto telling them that it was Nate's jeep. Soon order is restored.

" Ghalzi, we need medical help. Do you have doctor here?"

" We have. My uncle was a physician in Kabul. He can help."

" Please call him. We need him now."

Nate and his ninjas now can have their breathing space for a while after their unexpected ordeal. Captain Cunningham immediately receives medical help for his injury. At the evening, the Chief and elders hold a dinner for their guests.

To be continued

License: Personal use and read only. Further usage requiring permission from author.
Disclaimer: All contents are fiction.   

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