Friday, December 30, 2011

Chapter Four: Siege of Jahandar (Part I)

Helmand Province
Jahandar Village
August 12, 2011
07: 13 PM

" Mr. Kato, we celebrate your coming now. I hope you like our food." Says Ghalzi.

Nate and Shiori are attending a dinner held by Ghalzi, the chief and elders. Matthias, Takayama and Kim are not present because they were tasked to provide security for the village while Kim  was ordered to supervise and assist Captain Cunningham's medical treatment by Doctor Fouad Ghalzi, Aslan's uncle. The food is spread on the floor according to Dastarkhan, a traditional way of serving food by spreading them in plates over a tablecloth within a room.

" Will you tell me about the table manner?" Asks Nate.

" Not far from the west. Let me tell the names." Answers Ghalzi with smile.

" It is Naan. The bread, the primary food. While ones on the several plates are Torshi and  Chutnei. They are pickled fruits and vegetables, while the another one is the sauce. You eat the bread with them."

" Thank you for the explanation."

" Wait, wait. We cooked something more. Our pasta, Mantu, They were cooked with onion and ground beef. The sauce over it is yogurt. It's popular here."

" Cool! Somehow it reminds me of Burrito." Says Nate to Shiori.

" Nate.. Ask him how to cook it." Asks Shiori.

" Ghalzi, how to cook it?" 

" We'll give you the recipe. But now taste it!" Laughs Ghalzi.

Ghalzi translates Nate's words to his father and the elders. They laugh and are glad hearing Nate likes the food.

" Okay, Mr. Kato. You take first then we will eat."

" Me? Are you sure?" Asks Nate gladly.

" Yes. Go ahead."

Nate takes the bread, the sauce and vegetables and start to eat. Soon the others have their meal.
Suddenly, an elder asks Nate in Pashto.

" What did he say?" Asks Nate to Ghalzi.

" He asked where do you come from? What are you doing here?"

After a moment, Nate answers, " I am from America. I visit my subordinates here to see their jobs."

After hearing Ghalzi, translation, another elder asks Nate.

" But you don't look like Americans. I have seen American soldiers but you do not look like them."

" I am American citizen of Japanese descent."

" Your friend too?" Asks the elder about Shiori.

" Yes."

After translating, Ghalzi gives additional explanation.

" Why do you carry weapon in this party? It is a sword I have never seen."

" I am a ninja. In my duty, I cannot leave my weapon, at least this sword."

" What is a ninja?"

Ghalzi again gives the elders explanation. He shows a reaction of figuring something out after moments of thought.

" So, you are a warrior." Asks another elder.

" Yes. As what you have said." Says Nate politely.

" A warrior! Go, get more food. Go! Get more!" Pleads the elder.

After hearing that, the chief and elders become more friendly toward Nate and Shiori.

" Mr. Ghazali is the most intelligent between the elders. In our culture, a warrior is valued highly. Get more 
food, Mr. Kato." Explains Ghazli gladly.

" Thank you for that. I'm very hungry." Laughs Nate.

Then the dinner lasts for two hours. After that everyone return to their houses.

Helmand Province
Jahandar Village
Ghazli's House
August 12, 2011
09: 30 PM

" How is it, Captain?" Asks Nate to Captain Cunningham.

" He needs immediate emergency help. With meddical supplies in this village, I cannot help him more. We must bring him to Laskar Gah." Says Doctor Ghazli in English.

" Do you have phone here?"

" We don't."

" Radio?"

" They were all confiscated."

" Anyway, we'll send Hamad to ISAF bases or Laskar Gah to seek help. The last Afghan patrol was yesterday, we'll have no more patrol for the next three days."

" Who is Hamad?" Asks Nate.

" My son. He often goes to Laskar Gah."

" Does he need protection?"

" No. He will be safer to be seen alone than with foreign soldiers. I have lost one son, I don't want to lose another."

" Hamad!"

" Yes, father." Answers the young man in Pashto.

" Go to Laskar Gah, tell foreign or Afghan forces that some of them will need help here."

" Yes, father."

" Are you sure he will be alright there?"

" Of course. We can count on him."

" I'm sorry, sir.." Says Cunningham.

" Get rest, Captain. It wasn't your fault. We'll do our best to get you help." Replies Nate.

Helmand Province
Blue Eagle Six Wreckage
August 13, 2011
09: 38 AM

" There are survivors.. He is still alive." Says an Iranian man in Pashto.

" We sent two dozens, all of them are dead! One vehicle destroyed and another lost! How could this be?! They were just shot down.." Whines an insurgent.

" Stop whining! It is because you underestimated them! I told you to wait for reinforcement and my subordinates but you didn't listen! You don't know what and who we are facing but I know!! And this! Is the result of your recklessness!" Scolds the Iranian to the Afghan insurgent.

A sinister pursuing party led by a mysterious fugure has now reached Nate's plane wreckage site. Their intention is clear. They are out to kill Nate. But the result of their second encounter in Afghanistan is different from what they want: Twenty four of them were killed.

" Sir! We found a trail of jeep. It is heading north." Shouts another Iranian man.

" How many times I told you don't call me sir during duty!! Show me!" Shouts the mysterious man angrily.

" They are heading north. Probably to Laskar Gah. Salim, your jeep wasn't lost." Says the man to the Afghan insurgent.

" What?!" Asks the man named Salim.

Suddenly, a wheezing sound of airplane is heard on the sky.       

" It's ISAF or Americans. Everyone! Go! Quick! Go from here!" Shouts Salim.

The party immediately board their technical jeeps, horses and camels in hurry then go northward.

Helmand Province
Jahandar Village
August 13, 2011
07: 38 AM

A young man runs in panic toward Chief's house, he crashes a man carrying a basket of fruits on his run. After apologizing, he continues running to Chief's house. When he reaches the house, he knocks the door frantically, 

" Chief! Ghazli! Guerilla's and strangers outside! They want to talk to you!"

Ghazli comes out and addresses him, " Calm down, Ali! What are talking about this early morning?!"

" Armed guerilla and what looked like foreigners in black are out there looking for the Americans! And... And they want to talk to Chief!"

" Okay.. Okay.. I'll tell my father. Ali, tell the villagers to stay at their houses and lock their doors. You don't go out again, okay?"

The young man named Ali nods in fear.

" Go!" Says Ghazli.

" What happens, Aslan?" Asks Nate in alert.

" It's the guerrila and foreigners. They are looking for you! My father and I will face them. You stay here."

" Okay. I'll provide cover for you. If situation goes bad, raise your left hand and disperse." Suggests Nate.

" I understand. I will go."  

" Aslan, what happens?" Asks Chief Ghazli in Pashto.

" The guerrilas and foreigners are looking for our guests." Answers Ghazli.

" I will face them and suggest them to go away." Says Chief.

The Chief, Ghazli and elders are gathering near the unwanted guests. " What is this?" Asks Chief.

" Chief." Says Salim. " Do you see any American here?"

" I don't know what you are talking about. If you mean two years ago, they were many here."

" Not them, Chief. Ones that came here yesterday or today." Says Salim coldly.

" I do not see any of them. Go away. Don't disturb my village." Says Chief.

" Then why do I doubt about what you said. Fadhel's patrol has been missing since yesterday. They were last on this village. Do you know where they are?"

" I don't know."

" My father says the truth! Leave us! Go away!" Shouts Ghazli.

" I lost one of my jeep yesterday. I found one similar with mine destroyed hidden on the field. Do you think it is my jeep?"

The ninjas didn't throw it to the lake to prevent it from poisoning the water.

" If you don't see them. Let five of my men get to your village and see if they are not there."
The chief and Ghalzi become silent.

" Go ahead." Says the chief.

" Abdul, lead your group to search the village." Orders Salim to one of his subordinates.

When the insurgent is about to enter the village, he is halted by the mysterious Iranian. " Salim, let one of my men with them."

" But.."

" No but. Your recklessness caused twenty four died. Do you want another twenty four die again today?" Says the Iranian coldly.

" No.."

" Then do what I say."

" Arman. Follow them. Search for American presence." Orders the Iranian in Persian.

" Yes, Si.. I mean, Commander." Answer his subordinate.

Nate is surprised when seeing six armed insurgents enter the village. " What is this?! How could they enter?" Whispers Nate to Shiori.

They disperse and search several houses, a well on the square and look at the rooftops. Their search results in nothing. After that, they decide to search the last house they haven't search. The Chief's house.

" Looks like they're about to search this house. " Says Nate looking from window.

" Should we hide in the basement, sir?" Asks Matthias.

" Negative. We'll be trapped when they find us." Rejects Nate.

" Let's hope they will go away."

After conferring with the local guerillas, the Iranian man in black, order one of the party to search the house in view of the villagers.

Seeing that, Nate decides his split second decision. " One hostile is heading here. Get out from here through that door."

Nate's party silently goes out the house from another door and reach a small alley.

" We're safe now. Keep moving away from them. Wait until they go." Orders Nate.

After a while, a gunshot is heard from inside the house surprising everyone.

" We forget about Captain! Everyone, fire at will! Drive the search party from this place! Shiori, you stay here! Go! Go! Go!"

When the searching insurgent reaches Ghazli's house's basement where he stores foods, he finds Captain Cunningham to his surprise. The Captain shoots him immediately.

Nate, Matthias, Kim and Takayama appear from three alleys and start shooting the surprised insurgents, killing two. Villagers running away screaming in fear. The Iranian counters by firing his AKS74U back at Matthias, forcing him to take cover behind a crate. The local guerrilas initially fight back but after another insurgent is shot, they begin to retreat. Hearing that, Salim is about to order reinforcement to enter the village but halted by the Iranian. The chief and Ghazli become silent in fear.

" What... We need to send.." Asks Salim.

The Iranian, glaring at Salim, addresses him coldly, " You.. Never.. Question.. My decision. Wait until Arman back." 

As the young villagers take the enemies' weapons, Nate's firepower and number increase significantly. The remaining three insurgents are trapped under heavy fire on the main road behind mud road blocks and crates.

" I will provide you cover. You two, run when I shoot." Shouts Arman in Pashto.

Arman rises and gives a rapid fire, strafing his rifle left and right, forcing the ninjas and villagers to take cover. Two insurgent rise and run away. On their run, a villager suddenly appears from a house and hit one of them who is running behind the another with a long wooden staff then beats him repeatedly. Seeing Arman's defense, Nate leads Matthias to move away between houses to catch Arman's left flank. Arman's defense ended when Nate finally able to shoot him. Soon, Arman's defense point is overrun.

The last insurgent screams to Salim, " Commander, they are everywhere, they are killing us!! They.. They.."

" Father.. Let's get away from here.." Says Ghazli.

The chief and Ghazli then run away from the Iranian's presence unnoticed.

Suddenly, the insurgent stops screaming to Salim's surprise. Blood comes from his mouth then he falls. A wheezing bullet is heard. Two and the last one are heard again. Salim looks at his palms, both are bloody, blood gushes from his mouth then he falls as well. A screaming villager runs at the mysterious man's gathering shooting to the right and left, forcing insurgents and the man's subordinates to take cover. The man in black draws his PC - 9 and shoots the man coldly. Seeing that, the villagers take covers and begin exchanging fire with the Iranians and insurgents hiding behind rocks and berm. Nate and his ninjas arrive in the scene and join the firefight.

" Give them three grenades." Orders Nate to Matthias.

Three ninjas including Nate each holds a grenade and throws them at the attackers. A grenade explodes in front of the Iranians' cover. While other explosions gain casualties, mostly on the local insurgents on the men in black's right and left wing. The ninjas and villagers are in advantage since the village is at a higher ground while attackers are on the lower.

" Retreat! Retreat!" Orders the Iranian in Pashto.

The attackers fall back slowly, dragging their dead and wounded, though some are left then dissapear behind rocks. Their retreat is followed by cries of victory from the villagers and the ninjas.

On the village square, Nate sees villagers crowd around. Ghalzi asks them to make a way. In the middle, they see Arman covered in blood and another insurgent guarded by two armed villagers. " He is still alive but looks dazed." Says one of the armed villager in English.

" We'll interrogate him. What about him?" Asks Nate about the another captured insurgent who was beaten by staff before.

" He is dead."

Suddenly, Doctor Ghazli, carrying a captured AK47 appear from the crowd and address Nate, "  Let me kill him!"

" Pardon, Doctor?" Asks Nate in disbelief.

" I said let me kill him." Says the Doctor while trying to point his gun at Arman.

" Doctor, with all respect. Restrain yourself! We need him alive now!" Says Nate while blocking the Doctor's gun.

" They killed my friend in Kabul!"

" Doctor. Calm yourself. You don't want to do this. Okay?" Says Nate slowly.

" I wasn't only a doctor. I was a medical officer for Northern Alliance. These men killed my friend, my best friend, during our retreat. You don't know how it is to lose a friend." Replies Doctor Ghalzi in anger.

" Doctor, with all respect. In my duty, I have lost many colleagues. Twice I might have lost my family. I was forced to kill many. But I have never let such circumstances to draw myself to what is wrong. I understand your loss but please put this village's interest over yours. Anything we hear from that man may save this village. Please promise to us to restrain yourself. If it feels difficult, I am forced to ask you your weapon and it will be returned during battle."

" Uncle.." Pleads Ghalzi.     

After hearing that, Doctor Ghalzi relents. 

" This is his weapons." Says a villager to Nate in Pashto.

The villager shows him, a black PC - 9 sidearm, an  AKS74U with double magazine, a silver Saif sword, two fragmentation grenades and ammunition. When Nate sees his black uniform, he says, " I've never seen any guerilla in that."

" Ghazli, it appears that we face not only local insurgent but perhaps, a foreign power."

" What? But why? What are they looking for in this remote village?"

" I believe it is me." Answers Nate.

" I can't believe it."

Nate takes the PC - 9 gun and shows him, " Look, what is this?"

" It's a gun. Why?"

" It is an Iranian PC - 9, copied from Sig P226."

" I don't know about the names."

" Okay, what about this."

Nate now takes Arman's AKS74U then shows its reflector sight to Ghazli.

" Look. This is a reflector sight. See? Do you see the red point in the middle? Do you see the double 
magazine? They are too modern for local insurgents."

" If it is true, what should we do now?" Asks Ghalzi.

" Gather all men who can use weapon. We'll hold a conferrence."

To be continued

License: Personal use and read only. Further usage requiring permission from author.
Disclaimer: All contents are fiction.     

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