Friday, December 30, 2011

Chapter Four: Siege of Jahandar (Part I)

Helmand Province
Jahandar Village
August 12, 2011
07: 13 PM

" Mr. Kato, we celebrate your coming now. I hope you like our food." Says Ghalzi.

Nate and Shiori are attending a dinner held by Ghalzi, the chief and elders. Matthias, Takayama and Kim are not present because they were tasked to provide security for the village while Kim  was ordered to supervise and assist Captain Cunningham's medical treatment by Doctor Fouad Ghalzi, Aslan's uncle. The food is spread on the floor according to Dastarkhan, a traditional way of serving food by spreading them in plates over a tablecloth within a room.

" Will you tell me about the table manner?" Asks Nate.

" Not far from the west. Let me tell the names." Answers Ghalzi with smile.

" It is Naan. The bread, the primary food. While ones on the several plates are Torshi and  Chutnei. They are pickled fruits and vegetables, while the another one is the sauce. You eat the bread with them."

" Thank you for the explanation."

" Wait, wait. We cooked something more. Our pasta, Mantu, They were cooked with onion and ground beef. The sauce over it is yogurt. It's popular here."

" Cool! Somehow it reminds me of Burrito." Says Nate to Shiori.

" Nate.. Ask him how to cook it." Asks Shiori.

" Ghalzi, how to cook it?" 

" We'll give you the recipe. But now taste it!" Laughs Ghalzi.

Ghalzi translates Nate's words to his father and the elders. They laugh and are glad hearing Nate likes the food.

" Okay, Mr. Kato. You take first then we will eat."

" Me? Are you sure?" Asks Nate gladly.

" Yes. Go ahead."

Nate takes the bread, the sauce and vegetables and start to eat. Soon the others have their meal.
Suddenly, an elder asks Nate in Pashto.

" What did he say?" Asks Nate to Ghalzi.

" He asked where do you come from? What are you doing here?"

After a moment, Nate answers, " I am from America. I visit my subordinates here to see their jobs."

After hearing Ghalzi, translation, another elder asks Nate.

" But you don't look like Americans. I have seen American soldiers but you do not look like them."

" I am American citizen of Japanese descent."

" Your friend too?" Asks the elder about Shiori.

" Yes."

After translating, Ghalzi gives additional explanation.

" Why do you carry weapon in this party? It is a sword I have never seen."

" I am a ninja. In my duty, I cannot leave my weapon, at least this sword."

" What is a ninja?"

Ghalzi again gives the elders explanation. He shows a reaction of figuring something out after moments of thought.

" So, you are a warrior." Asks another elder.

" Yes. As what you have said." Says Nate politely.

" A warrior! Go, get more food. Go! Get more!" Pleads the elder.

After hearing that, the chief and elders become more friendly toward Nate and Shiori.

" Mr. Ghazali is the most intelligent between the elders. In our culture, a warrior is valued highly. Get more 
food, Mr. Kato." Explains Ghazli gladly.

" Thank you for that. I'm very hungry." Laughs Nate.

Then the dinner lasts for two hours. After that everyone return to their houses.

Helmand Province
Jahandar Village
Ghazli's House
August 12, 2011
09: 30 PM

" How is it, Captain?" Asks Nate to Captain Cunningham.

" He needs immediate emergency help. With meddical supplies in this village, I cannot help him more. We must bring him to Laskar Gah." Says Doctor Ghazli in English.

" Do you have phone here?"

" We don't."

" Radio?"

" They were all confiscated."

" Anyway, we'll send Hamad to ISAF bases or Laskar Gah to seek help. The last Afghan patrol was yesterday, we'll have no more patrol for the next three days."

" Who is Hamad?" Asks Nate.

" My son. He often goes to Laskar Gah."

" Does he need protection?"

" No. He will be safer to be seen alone than with foreign soldiers. I have lost one son, I don't want to lose another."

" Hamad!"

" Yes, father." Answers the young man in Pashto.

" Go to Laskar Gah, tell foreign or Afghan forces that some of them will need help here."

" Yes, father."

" Are you sure he will be alright there?"

" Of course. We can count on him."

" I'm sorry, sir.." Says Cunningham.

" Get rest, Captain. It wasn't your fault. We'll do our best to get you help." Replies Nate.

Helmand Province
Blue Eagle Six Wreckage
August 13, 2011
09: 38 AM

" There are survivors.. He is still alive." Says an Iranian man in Pashto.

" We sent two dozens, all of them are dead! One vehicle destroyed and another lost! How could this be?! They were just shot down.." Whines an insurgent.

" Stop whining! It is because you underestimated them! I told you to wait for reinforcement and my subordinates but you didn't listen! You don't know what and who we are facing but I know!! And this! Is the result of your recklessness!" Scolds the Iranian to the Afghan insurgent.

A sinister pursuing party led by a mysterious fugure has now reached Nate's plane wreckage site. Their intention is clear. They are out to kill Nate. But the result of their second encounter in Afghanistan is different from what they want: Twenty four of them were killed.

" Sir! We found a trail of jeep. It is heading north." Shouts another Iranian man.

" How many times I told you don't call me sir during duty!! Show me!" Shouts the mysterious man angrily.

" They are heading north. Probably to Laskar Gah. Salim, your jeep wasn't lost." Says the man to the Afghan insurgent.

" What?!" Asks the man named Salim.

Suddenly, a wheezing sound of airplane is heard on the sky.       

" It's ISAF or Americans. Everyone! Go! Quick! Go from here!" Shouts Salim.

The party immediately board their technical jeeps, horses and camels in hurry then go northward.

Helmand Province
Jahandar Village
August 13, 2011
07: 38 AM

A young man runs in panic toward Chief's house, he crashes a man carrying a basket of fruits on his run. After apologizing, he continues running to Chief's house. When he reaches the house, he knocks the door frantically, 

" Chief! Ghazli! Guerilla's and strangers outside! They want to talk to you!"

Ghazli comes out and addresses him, " Calm down, Ali! What are talking about this early morning?!"

" Armed guerilla and what looked like foreigners in black are out there looking for the Americans! And... And they want to talk to Chief!"

" Okay.. Okay.. I'll tell my father. Ali, tell the villagers to stay at their houses and lock their doors. You don't go out again, okay?"

The young man named Ali nods in fear.

" Go!" Says Ghazli.

" What happens, Aslan?" Asks Nate in alert.

" It's the guerrila and foreigners. They are looking for you! My father and I will face them. You stay here."

" Okay. I'll provide cover for you. If situation goes bad, raise your left hand and disperse." Suggests Nate.

" I understand. I will go."  

" Aslan, what happens?" Asks Chief Ghazli in Pashto.

" The guerrilas and foreigners are looking for our guests." Answers Ghazli.

" I will face them and suggest them to go away." Says Chief.

The Chief, Ghazli and elders are gathering near the unwanted guests. " What is this?" Asks Chief.

" Chief." Says Salim. " Do you see any American here?"

" I don't know what you are talking about. If you mean two years ago, they were many here."

" Not them, Chief. Ones that came here yesterday or today." Says Salim coldly.

" I do not see any of them. Go away. Don't disturb my village." Says Chief.

" Then why do I doubt about what you said. Fadhel's patrol has been missing since yesterday. They were last on this village. Do you know where they are?"

" I don't know."

" My father says the truth! Leave us! Go away!" Shouts Ghazli.

" I lost one of my jeep yesterday. I found one similar with mine destroyed hidden on the field. Do you think it is my jeep?"

The ninjas didn't throw it to the lake to prevent it from poisoning the water.

" If you don't see them. Let five of my men get to your village and see if they are not there."
The chief and Ghalzi become silent.

" Go ahead." Says the chief.

" Abdul, lead your group to search the village." Orders Salim to one of his subordinates.

When the insurgent is about to enter the village, he is halted by the mysterious Iranian. " Salim, let one of my men with them."

" But.."

" No but. Your recklessness caused twenty four died. Do you want another twenty four die again today?" Says the Iranian coldly.

" No.."

" Then do what I say."

" Arman. Follow them. Search for American presence." Orders the Iranian in Persian.

" Yes, Si.. I mean, Commander." Answer his subordinate.

Nate is surprised when seeing six armed insurgents enter the village. " What is this?! How could they enter?" Whispers Nate to Shiori.

They disperse and search several houses, a well on the square and look at the rooftops. Their search results in nothing. After that, they decide to search the last house they haven't search. The Chief's house.

" Looks like they're about to search this house. " Says Nate looking from window.

" Should we hide in the basement, sir?" Asks Matthias.

" Negative. We'll be trapped when they find us." Rejects Nate.

" Let's hope they will go away."

After conferring with the local guerillas, the Iranian man in black, order one of the party to search the house in view of the villagers.

Seeing that, Nate decides his split second decision. " One hostile is heading here. Get out from here through that door."

Nate's party silently goes out the house from another door and reach a small alley.

" We're safe now. Keep moving away from them. Wait until they go." Orders Nate.

After a while, a gunshot is heard from inside the house surprising everyone.

" We forget about Captain! Everyone, fire at will! Drive the search party from this place! Shiori, you stay here! Go! Go! Go!"

When the searching insurgent reaches Ghazli's house's basement where he stores foods, he finds Captain Cunningham to his surprise. The Captain shoots him immediately.

Nate, Matthias, Kim and Takayama appear from three alleys and start shooting the surprised insurgents, killing two. Villagers running away screaming in fear. The Iranian counters by firing his AKS74U back at Matthias, forcing him to take cover behind a crate. The local guerrilas initially fight back but after another insurgent is shot, they begin to retreat. Hearing that, Salim is about to order reinforcement to enter the village but halted by the Iranian. The chief and Ghazli become silent in fear.

" What... We need to send.." Asks Salim.

The Iranian, glaring at Salim, addresses him coldly, " You.. Never.. Question.. My decision. Wait until Arman back." 

As the young villagers take the enemies' weapons, Nate's firepower and number increase significantly. The remaining three insurgents are trapped under heavy fire on the main road behind mud road blocks and crates.

" I will provide you cover. You two, run when I shoot." Shouts Arman in Pashto.

Arman rises and gives a rapid fire, strafing his rifle left and right, forcing the ninjas and villagers to take cover. Two insurgent rise and run away. On their run, a villager suddenly appears from a house and hit one of them who is running behind the another with a long wooden staff then beats him repeatedly. Seeing Arman's defense, Nate leads Matthias to move away between houses to catch Arman's left flank. Arman's defense ended when Nate finally able to shoot him. Soon, Arman's defense point is overrun.

The last insurgent screams to Salim, " Commander, they are everywhere, they are killing us!! They.. They.."

" Father.. Let's get away from here.." Says Ghazli.

The chief and Ghazli then run away from the Iranian's presence unnoticed.

Suddenly, the insurgent stops screaming to Salim's surprise. Blood comes from his mouth then he falls. A wheezing bullet is heard. Two and the last one are heard again. Salim looks at his palms, both are bloody, blood gushes from his mouth then he falls as well. A screaming villager runs at the mysterious man's gathering shooting to the right and left, forcing insurgents and the man's subordinates to take cover. The man in black draws his PC - 9 and shoots the man coldly. Seeing that, the villagers take covers and begin exchanging fire with the Iranians and insurgents hiding behind rocks and berm. Nate and his ninjas arrive in the scene and join the firefight.

" Give them three grenades." Orders Nate to Matthias.

Three ninjas including Nate each holds a grenade and throws them at the attackers. A grenade explodes in front of the Iranians' cover. While other explosions gain casualties, mostly on the local insurgents on the men in black's right and left wing. The ninjas and villagers are in advantage since the village is at a higher ground while attackers are on the lower.

" Retreat! Retreat!" Orders the Iranian in Pashto.

The attackers fall back slowly, dragging their dead and wounded, though some are left then dissapear behind rocks. Their retreat is followed by cries of victory from the villagers and the ninjas.

On the village square, Nate sees villagers crowd around. Ghalzi asks them to make a way. In the middle, they see Arman covered in blood and another insurgent guarded by two armed villagers. " He is still alive but looks dazed." Says one of the armed villager in English.

" We'll interrogate him. What about him?" Asks Nate about the another captured insurgent who was beaten by staff before.

" He is dead."

Suddenly, Doctor Ghazli, carrying a captured AK47 appear from the crowd and address Nate, "  Let me kill him!"

" Pardon, Doctor?" Asks Nate in disbelief.

" I said let me kill him." Says the Doctor while trying to point his gun at Arman.

" Doctor, with all respect. Restrain yourself! We need him alive now!" Says Nate while blocking the Doctor's gun.

" They killed my friend in Kabul!"

" Doctor. Calm yourself. You don't want to do this. Okay?" Says Nate slowly.

" I wasn't only a doctor. I was a medical officer for Northern Alliance. These men killed my friend, my best friend, during our retreat. You don't know how it is to lose a friend." Replies Doctor Ghalzi in anger.

" Doctor, with all respect. In my duty, I have lost many colleagues. Twice I might have lost my family. I was forced to kill many. But I have never let such circumstances to draw myself to what is wrong. I understand your loss but please put this village's interest over yours. Anything we hear from that man may save this village. Please promise to us to restrain yourself. If it feels difficult, I am forced to ask you your weapon and it will be returned during battle."

" Uncle.." Pleads Ghalzi.     

After hearing that, Doctor Ghalzi relents. 

" This is his weapons." Says a villager to Nate in Pashto.

The villager shows him, a black PC - 9 sidearm, an  AKS74U with double magazine, a silver Saif sword, two fragmentation grenades and ammunition. When Nate sees his black uniform, he says, " I've never seen any guerilla in that."

" Ghazli, it appears that we face not only local insurgent but perhaps, a foreign power."

" What? But why? What are they looking for in this remote village?"

" I believe it is me." Answers Nate.

" I can't believe it."

Nate takes the PC - 9 gun and shows him, " Look, what is this?"

" It's a gun. Why?"

" It is an Iranian PC - 9, copied from Sig P226."

" I don't know about the names."

" Okay, what about this."

Nate now takes Arman's AKS74U then shows its reflector sight to Ghazli.

" Look. This is a reflector sight. See? Do you see the red point in the middle? Do you see the double 
magazine? They are too modern for local insurgents."

" If it is true, what should we do now?" Asks Ghalzi.

" Gather all men who can use weapon. We'll hold a conferrence."

To be continued

License: Personal use and read only. Further usage requiring permission from author.
Disclaimer: All contents are fiction.     

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Chapter Three: The Guests

Helmand Province
August 12, 2011
01: 11 PM

" Sir, we are running out of fuel!" Reports Matthias from driver seat.  The jeep has been driven without stop for more than an hour on the desert soil. It starts running out of fuel. 

" Alright. Stop the car. Let's see where we are." Orders Nate.

" Everyone! Disembark! Set up a defensive perimeter." Orders him again.

All of the ninjas except wounded Captain Cunningham get off fom the vehicle and perform a square defensive site around the jeep behind rocks. 

Matthias sets up a captured map and compass. From the map reading, it shows that the party have gone far north toward Laskar Gah, the province's capital.

" As what's planned, we'll seek help first from nearby settlement. Let's see what we have." Says Nate.

" This is sir, there's a closest place named Jahandar. Possibly a village." Answers Matthias.

" We'll see. How far is it from here?" Comments Nate.

" It shows it's only  a mile."

" Gear up. We'll go there. Spend all fuel we have." Orders Nate.

" yes, sir."

The party continues their journey. They stop near a small lake. From their stop, the party proceed their path and behind rocks, they see hovels, houses and mud walls over a high ground. That's the village. 

When Matthias starts to go near the village, he is halted by Nate, " Stop. There's something not right about the village. Where are the villagers?"

Nobody is seen on and outside the village. No goats or other animals.

" Have they known about us?"

" I don't know."   Answers Nate.

" This is what we're going to do."

" Split the team. Me and Shiori will proceed through their main gate. While you and Cyrus (Takayama) will proceed from the east. Ray (Kim) and Captain Cunningham stay here.

After passing the order, Nate speaks to Captain Cunningham, " Captain, we're about to go to a village nearby. We have to leave you here for a while. I don't want to do this, but we have to."

" Don't worry, Sir. I have this and this." Replies Captain Cunningham showing his Python revolver and captured AK74SU.

" Everything's alright, then." Says Nate with smile.

The party start to advance to the village. Still when they have reached its walls, nobody is seen or heard. When Nate and Shiori are proceeding through the first hovel, Nate sees a black tomahawk (axe) over a drum. He gives it to Shiori. " Shiori, take this." Whispers Nate. Suddenly, they run into a rifle armed man in Pakul hat and Pashtun grey dress. The man initially doesn't see them but when he turns, he is surprised. Just as when he is preparing his weapon in hurry and about to start screaming, a flying tomahawk hits him. It is Shiori.  She threw it. Nate immediately drags the dead armed man out of street but still traces of blood leaves trail. He pulls the blood covered Tomahawk out of the man and gives it again to Shiori. A second armed man appears but imediately shot by Nate and the third man is slashed by ninja sword.  Meanwhile, Matthias and Takayama meets fewer armed men, they kill them with bladed weapons and shuriken throws. At the vilage center, the two party meet with a little stand off for each party initially think another as enemy. A little boy suddenly appears from nowhere abit far from them. Both party are surprised. Nate calls the little boy with gestures and tells him to go out from the village. Later, they find on the village square, villagers are gathered on the middle surrounded by about ten armed men in Pashto dress and Pakul hats. One of the armed men speak loud in Pashto toward the silent villagers.

" The guerillas.." Thinks Nate. " That's why no one is seen."

" What's the order, sir?" Asks Matthias.

" Wait for the right moment. If they see us, they would be more difficult to deal."

Suddenly, a young man among the villagers wearing Karakul hat sees Nate, surprising him. Nate's surprised, " We've been spotted." He immediately gestures the man to be silent. The young man is yelled by one of the armed man for looking around. He then speaks to two young men on his right and his left. He then pretends to look around again and looks at Nate. His two hands gestures a rifle. Again he is spotted by one of the armed men and yelled again. The angry insurgent, being suspicious, walks toward Nate's place. When he is just one step from Nate's corner, he is immediately caught and stabbed by Nate's sword. The man looks at Nate in surprise then dies soon. The dead insurgent is dragged away by Matthias. Now the young man knows, that what the small assailants need is a right moment and he will create it.

The young man immediately pretends to be ill and screams. The insurgents and  villagers’ attention shift into the young man. Seeing that, Nate orders his party to commence attack. Shiori’s Enfield shot kills the insurgent leader. The shot disperses all civilians around at all direction. The surprised insurgents are given no chance but have five of them shot. One of them, tries to aim his AK rifle at the attacking party but his attempt is halted by Shiori’s Tomahawk throwing. The young man delivers his resistance by shifting an insurgent’s rifle fires toward the other way, preventing him from shooting at Nate. Soon they resort into hand to hand combat, trying to get the rifle from each other. When the insurgent is about to shoot at the young man, Nate, seeing that, immediately throws his ninja sword at the insurgent, impaling him. 

“ He is getting away!” Says the young man in English pointing at a fleeing insurgent.

“ Everyone! Get him! Don’t let him get away!” Shouts Nate.  

 The ninjas are chasing the insurgent until the village bank. 

“ Shiori, use the sniper rifle!” Shouts Nate to Shiori.

The man running on the plain is on Shiori’s Enfield’s black metal aim sight. She moves the aim at the right as if the line of fire would be in front of the running insurgent. After a moment, Shiori’s fire throws the man, ending his run and life.

“ Take him. No one can see.” Says Nate to Matthias.

" Sir, the village is secure. What's your order?" Reports Takayama to Matthias.

" Bring Captain Cunningham and Kim. Remove all weapons and supllies off the jeep. Destroy it. Call the village's elders. Watch for threats nearby." Orders Nate to Matthias.

" You hear that. Go!" Says Matthias.

" Yes, sir! Right away!" Replies Takayama.

 When Nate, Shiori and Matthias return to the village square to see the elders, they meet with gathering villagers and the young man.

Nate asks the young man, " You speak English? What is your name?"

" I am Aslan Ghalzai, the son of the village chief.. These are my brothers, Atal and Atsak." Answers the young man in Pakistani accent.

" My name is Nathaniel Kato. May I speak with the chief?"

" Yes, my father wants to meet you."

An old man with other elders surges forward and starts to speak in Pashto.

" Will you translate what he said?" Asks Nate.

" My father asked who are you. Are you American soldiers?" Translates Ghalzai.

" Greetings, Village Chief. We are not American soldiers. We are civilian workers stranded on this area. Our plane was shot down and all of us are survivors. We also have a wounded personnel. We need your help to inform or show us where International or Afghan forces base nearby. Please accept us as your guests. We'll try our best not to be a burden for you and protect this village. Anything you spend for us will be paid."

After listening to Nate's answer, the chief starts to speak again.

" Greetings. If you are not American soldiers, why do you carry weapons?" Translates Ghalzi.

Nate stares at Ghalzi then answers, " To protect ourselves and carry out our jobs?"

The chief confers with elders then talks again to Ghalzi.

" You are welcomed as our guests. According to our custom, you will be protected and supplied with food as long as you stay inside our village. If you are outside, we are free from our obligation. We ask you and your men to protect this village." Says Ghalzi.

" I accept it. I am grateful for it. This village will be rewarded." Says Nate.

The chief accepts Nate's offering. Ghalzi addresses Nate, " Mr. Kato, I will be a speaker between you and the elders. Please tell what you will do."

Kids are gathering and watching as Matthias and Kim go back and fro carrying weapons, supplies and Captain Cunningham. Several kids chat between themselves pointing to a pile of AK rifles, a PK Machine gun, RPG launchers, a map, a compass and grenades as well a gasoline can and a radio. Suddenly, an explosion occurs. Ghalzi quakes in fear. Kids and other villagers are surprised.

" Don't worry. That's my subordinates. We destroyed our jeep to prevent it being used by enemies, besides, it has run out of fuel." Explains Nate. 

Ghalzi addresses the villagers in Pashto telling them that it was Nate's jeep. Soon order is restored.

" Ghalzi, we need medical help. Do you have doctor here?"

" We have. My uncle was a physician in Kabul. He can help."

" Please call him. We need him now."

Nate and his ninjas now can have their breathing space for a while after their unexpected ordeal. Captain Cunningham immediately receives medical help for his injury. At the evening, the Chief and elders hold a dinner for their guests.

To be continued

License: Personal use and read only. Further usage requiring permission from author.
Disclaimer: All contents are fiction.   

Friday, December 23, 2011

Chapter Two: Downed Warriors

Helmand Province
Blue Eagle Six
Private Echelon Corporation Private Air Transport 
August 12, 2011
09:40 AM

Nate's coughs awake him. On his blurry sight, black smoke engulfs. Voice of screamings, callings and burnings are heard. He sees a large figure is running staggerringly at him. The man addresses him, " Sir! Are you alright?!" Nate sees the man with injured head and tries to identify him. When the man's close, it is seen that he is Matthias. Nate answers him, " I'm.. I'm.. It seems that I'm.. Okay.." Matthias, seeing Nate's a little disoriented mumbling speech asks him again, " Are you sure you're alright, sir?! You're mumbling.. Sir, I see your head is bleeding." Nate, crunches at his unsheathed sword and sees his surrounding is engulfed with destroyed cabin and several of his bodyguard ninjas strewn. He speaks slowly, " Where is Shiori? ... Where is she?" Nate, with his concern about Shiori and disorientation,  run outside of the cabin's ruin and screams frantically looking for her, " Shiori! Shiori! Where are you!?" Matthias chases him, " Sir!! Sir! Hold back! It's too dangerous!" Nate runs staggeringly around the jet ruin, passing several injured ninjas dragging their friend out from burning ruins, swinging his sword at any barricading concretes. " Sir! Sir! Hold yourself!!" Shouts Matthias. Nate's frantic  run stops when he sees Shiori's figure between burning jet parts near cockpit fraction. He runs toward her and addresses her. To his surprise, she is tottaly alright. " Are you alright?" Says Nate slowly. 

Shiori keeps silent but after a while answers, " I'm okay. Wha-, what.. about you?! Your head, your head.. is covered with blood.." 

Matthias finaly catches up  and addresses Nate with concern, "  Sir!! What is on your mind?! You could have been shot or hit by explosions on this ruin!!" 

Nate's not angered with Matthias' indignation but answers with mutter, " I'm sorry, Matthias..  Save it for later.. Report in now and call in paramedic.."

" Sir, so far only four of us are still fit to fight. Including you and madam are six. The rest, including paramedic are apparently killed and missing during the landing. It's is still very dangerous to search on the other ruins. Captain Cunningham and Behari are still unknown. What's your order?"

" Alright, gather all survivors and any supplies you find. Proceed with the cockpit." Orders Nate.

When they arrive at the cockpit, it's access door is found to be broken. So the only way to check the cockpit interior is through its front windshields. Two Valkyrie ninjas, Kim and Chavez, are climbing the jet's nose and find the pilots are unconscious. Kim shouts to report at Matthias, " Chief! Captain Cunningham and Behari are passed out! Shall we break the winshields?"

"  Break and pull them out!" Orders Matthias.

Using scrap objects found, they smash  the winshields and cleans their banks from broken glasses with their sword blades. Due to Captain Cunningham large figure, both of them drag him out first, blood covers his face. Kim sees that Captain Cunningham is still breathing and with Chavez, they lower Cunningham to Matthias and Takayama, another ninja. When the ninjas are about to pull Captain Behari from the cockpit, suddenly, it explodes and fire engulfs the cockpit, prompting the ninjas to jump below. 

" Sir, Captain Behari is still there! What should we do now?" Scream Chavez.

" Sir.." Shouts Takayama.

" Javier, Cyrus, there's nothing we can do now. " Replies Matthias.

The morning sun shines brightly over the empty desert. The desert wind throws sand back and forth. Captain Cunningham slowly opens his eyes and start to mutter, " Where am I? Arrggh.. I can't feel.."

Seeing it, Matthias informs everyone else, " He is there!!"

" Arrgg.. I can't.."

" Don't speak, Captain!" Says Nate. " It seems that you have your spine broken.."

Cunningham, now surrounded by several ninjas, starts to laugh, " (Cough).. Spine? (Cough).."

" Stay here. We'll secure water, food and medical supplies." Says nate again.

" Matthias, order your men to search for survivors,  set up an observation post, gather arms and ammunition as well food supplies. Prepare for a go."

" Yes, sir! Right away." Replies Matthias.

When Nate and his men are gathering their defense and survival supplies, a bad news comes.  " Sir, we got company! Two wheels and about dozens of unknown personnel are approaching! What's our order?" Shouts Takayama suddenly when he sees them through his binocular. Hearing that, Nate and Matthias rushes to the makeshift observation post. He takes the binocular and when he sees through, he knows when he sees their civilian uniforms and various rugged weapons that the ones coming at the wreckage are foes. " Local guerrilas.. Possibly foreign fighters as well.. " Growls Nate. Since Nate's forces are far weaker with remaining weapons, mostly sidearms and blades, he orders his subordinates to hide within the wreckage and ambush the incoming unwanted guests. 

" Sir, Are we going to face ground fight?" Asks Cunningham to Nate.

" We are. Prepare yourself, Captain." Answers Nate.

Cunningham shows his grey 6 inches high - calibre Python revolver to Nate, " I've prepared it for this.."

" Use it wisely, old man. You won't need to send a second shot with that." Answers Nate with smile.

Under the ninjas' observance, the unwanted company quickly approaches the small hill.  Shouts in Pashto and steps are heard. Through a wreckage, Nate sees the armed assailants, they slowly walk toward the burning wreckage. Smokes frequently passes through between the unwanted guests and the wreckage. Wielding his M1911 Colt. 45, the jonin is waiting the right moment  to give signal, an initial fire, for his subordinates to ambush the guerrilas. He waits until they are all, or at least most of them have been close with the wreckage. His moment comes when one of the guerrilas gives away his position as the commander by his commanding gestures and loud orders. Nate aims his silenced sidearm and on the next moment, the commander suddenly stops giving command and killed. It throws confusion to his subordinates, but their quake doesn't last long as Nate's his ninjas start firing and throwing shuriken, killing more. Some of the insurgents start firing their AK's indiscriminately toward the wreckage then one of them, suddenly charge toward the wreckage followed by the rest. Their charge is greeted by a barrage of single shots from the ninjas and countered by the defenders' blade and guns charge from the wreckage which turns the battle into a bloody savage hand to hand combat. The ninjas shoot, stab and slash the overrun assailants in close proximity, giving them no chance. Three insurgents run away from the fighting toward their parked white technical jeeps.

One of them turn and shoots his AK74, wounding Chavez who are chasing them. But he is quickly killed by Matthias' P228 multiple shots. When the ninjas are approaching the jeeps, they see a panicked insurgent is about to drive the car away. His attempt is failed when a bullet storm strikes the driver's windshields. When the defenders are clearing the area surrounding the jeeps, an insurgent hiding behind one of the jeep's suddenly jump and charge Nate with a Saif sword. Nate quickly parries his sword attack with his sword, punch his face with his sword end then slashes him, ending the battle.

" One down! One down! Medic!" Takayama's shout is suddenly heard.

Nate and his ninjas rush to the upper ground and finds Chavez and Takayama. Chavez is dying. Blood gushes heavily from his mouth.

" Sir.. (Cough), (Cough), I have done my best, right?.."  Says Chavez.

" Stop talking, Javier. Hang on. We'll seek help immediately."

" I think.. I can't.. Hold.. Longer.."

" Thank you for the chance... Sir.."

Chavez stops talking and gives his last breath.

" Javier! I order you to hang on. Javier! Speak! " Shouts Nate.

" Javier! Say something! Hold on! Javier! Javier!" Shouts the other.

Chavez dies. Silence engulf the wreckage. No one speaks, nobody can say their sadness, but one can see the mourn. Nate, holding his sadness, start to make a speech, " Today, we are faced on an ordeal. We were sent to ground and we lost one of our friend. There is no time for anger and to mourn. Let us honor our friend, Javier's sacrifice by carrying on what he defended. Our survival."

All of the survivors agree with Nate. They begin to continue their supply and weapon  gathering, taking anything that is useful. All captured weapons that can't be carried away, mostly AK rifles are gathered aboard one of the jeep, the wrecked one. Matthias approaches Nate carrying  two distinctive arms, " Sir, we found a different arm. I thought it would be good if I show them to you before." It is an old light brown Lee Enfield MKIII. Nate observes the weapon and says, " I know who can handle this."  then he calls Shiori and hands over the legendary weapon to her which she quickly receives. " Take it, make it a sniper rifle."

The time comes when the survivors finishes gathering arms and supplies. Nate, Matthias, Shiori and the other two ninjas, Takayama and Kim gather around Chavez. They give 30 seconds of silent salutation. When Takayama pins Chavez's katana sword near his grave, he breaks down to weep.  This angered Matthias, " Chris! Stop.." He is stopped by Nate. Nate runs toward Takayama and addresses him, " Takayama.. What are you doing?"

" Sir, Javier's my best friend. It's just too sudden.. Too sudden.. I couldn't hold on.."

Nate replies in calm tone, " Takayama.. We all lost him.. He is our friend as well.. Remember, he died fighting for all of us.. Will you take his sacrifice for granted? Then, strengthen yourself. Let us honor his sacrifice by doing our best to get out from here. I'm sure if he is still alive, he wants us to survive. Come on. Let's go."

Hearing that, Takayama stops his crying and leaves the grave, following Nate. " Yes, sir."

After the ninjas and Captain Cunningham are on the captured jeep, Kim, ordered by Nate, pour gasoline on the another jeep where some of the captured weapons and ammunitions that are too much and heavy to be carried are piled up on its back. From a distance, a grenade is thrown at the jeep. Its explosion sets the car ablaze. It is done to prevent the enemy from using them.

The jeep and its passenger leave northward from the wreckage to settlement nearby to seek help. As they are on their way, the passengers on the back of the jeep stares at the smokey hill in sadness.  

License: Personal use and read only. Further usage requiring permission from author.
Disclaimer: All contents are fiction.

To be continued

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Chapter One: Sky Survival

Helmand Province
Somewhere near Afghan - Pakistani Border
Camp Bravo, Private Echelon Corporation Operation Base
Questioning Room
August 12, 2011
08:35 AM

An Iranian man in thirties in orange suit with his both hands plastic cuffed is dragged by an unmasked ninja inside a questioning room to a chair. Inside the room, another ninja in formal black suit and white shirt with its collar is arranged on the top of his black suit is waiting by sitting on a chair on its front a table is set.

" Sit down!" Yells the sentry ninja to the man.

The waiting ninja smiles and begins to speak in friendly tone to the man, " Hello again, Mr. Saif. My name is Gregory Satoh. I hope you enjoy your stay at our base. Now I give you another chance to tell us your stories."

The man named Saif keeps silent staring at his questioner. " Why are you here?"...  " What are you doing here..?, " Who ordered you to go here?" Asks Mr. Satoh.

His questions go unanswered. The man is still in his silence. The room becomes quiet until another ninja yells at him, " Answer him!!!" His sudden yelling frightens the questioned a bit.

" Well, do you understand your situation? You are in disadvantaged position now. First, you were captured in civilian clothing. Second, the worst, nobody knows you're here." Says Mr. Satoh in reserved tone.

Mr. Satoh look at the man. His expression becomes blank. He continues, " Let me explain the ends for you."

" If you do not pour out what we want to hear..." The ninja named Satoh takes his black sheathed ninja sword and bashes it hard over the table. " This place will be the last thing you see.."

Hearing Mr. Satoh's friendly but sinister words, the man finally surrenders, " Your boss.. Al - Tous.." 

Mr. Satoh quickly addresses the another ninja, " Call Kato Jonin. Now! Quick!"

Afghan Airspace
Helmand Province
Blue Eagle Six
Private Echelon Corporation Private Air Transport 
August 12, 2011
08:42 AM

A gulfstream jet is flying south from Bagram Airbase. In the inside, Nate, Shiori and Valkyrie Unit are on the way to meet Nate's employees working on Helmand province, especially on the border area. At the hour, they are having their breakfast. 

" This nachos cheese sauce is saltier than usual. I don't think I can add mayonaise." Comments Nate over his breakfast. They are having Mexican dishes for breakfast.

" What about this mixed chilly sauce?" Suggests Shiori pointing an unmarked small plastic sauce bottle with reddish sauce inside.

" Is that home made? Thanks." Replies Nate while looking at the bottle at his hand.

" Oh, yeah, it's better now. It diminishes the cheese's saltiness." Says Nate again after taking a piece of nachos poured with the latter sauce.

" I wonder what kids are doing at this hour. I feel safe they're in good hands. I should thank for your sister. Let's buy some valuable souvenirs for her when we are back at Kabul."

" Oh, she is very glad to take care of them too. We'll contact them through web as soon as when we arrive at the post." 

" Sure, I'll make sure they're good."

Suddenly, Nate's chief bodyguard, surges forward carrying a black portable phone and addreses Nate in thick Polish accent, " Sir, I'm sorry for interrupting. We have two urgent calls queueing."

The man replaces Samuel Nakajima, who died in Bahrain a year ago. His name is Matthias Kowalczyk, a former GROM personnel, one of Nate's surviving Valkyrie Unit.

Nate stops and replies, " That's alright, Kowalczyk. From who?"

" They are Mr. Jonathan Cole from Ocean Enterprise Corp, a shipment company offering a contract, Mr. Satoh from Garmser border outpost and an unidentified man who didn't want to mention his name but insisted to speak to you. He said that he had an urgent thing to say to you."

" What? Alright, link me to Mr. Cole. I'll speak to the third man after him. You speak to Satoh and pass his words to me."

" Just a second, Shiori." Requests Nate to Shiori. He starts to talk on the phone, " Good morning, Mr. Cole. I'm Nathaniel Kato. Can I help you?.. Yes.. Yes.. Okay.. We'll send our electric application soon through email, sir. Can we have your contract addresses? Yes.. See you again, sir. Thank you."

As soon as Nate closes the phone, he calls Matthias, " Matthias, send Mr. Cole's request to Los Angeles. Now link me to the second man. And tell the attendant to take all of these plates. What was it that Satoh wanted to say?"

" Sir, according to our recent information update. You are being targeted here." Says Matthias respectfully.

" Matthias, increase the unit's alertness." Orders Nate.

" Yes, sir." Answers Matthias.

Nate starts to talk with the second man, " Good morning, This is Nathaniel Kato. Can I help you, sir?"

" Good morning, Mr. Kato or shall I call Al-Tous? I am an old acquantaince. We'll meet.. down here." Says the unknown man in thick Persian accent.

" What!? Who are you?" Asks Nate.

His surprise surprises Shiori, the attendant and alert all of his Valkyrie personnel who are seated on all cabin seats. 

" I ask you again, who are you? And what did you mean?" Emphasizes Kato.

" Sir, sorry for interrupting. Co-pilot has a report." Reports another Valkyrie ninja offering another black wireless phone.

Nate answers the phone, " Yes, this is Nathaniel. Captain, what do you have?"

" Sir, someone requests to transmit a broadcast for you. He also requests to broadcast it publicly inside the jet. Shall we proceed?" Replies the Co-Pilot.

" Proceed, Captain."

Soon, the Pilot's voice airs inside the jet, " Good morning, passengers. This is your Captain Cunningham speaking. I am about to broadcast an announcement. Thank you for your attention."

Sound of a tuned radio is heard. Then the previous mysterious man who talked with Nate's on the phone is heard, " Al - Tous, your deeds in the past will not go unpunished. It is the time for payback. The eagles will bring you to the ground."

The broadcast prompts Nate's Valkyrie personnel to encircle him with weapons drawn both firearms and edged ones. Captain Cunningham's voice is heard again, " This is Captain speaking. We have two unidentified aircrafts behind us coming in fast. Raising to DEFPLAN (Defense Plan) 2. All hands, brace yourself for evasion." Two unmarked desert camouflaged Su-35 fighter planes are speeding toward the jet.

 " Sir, mam, keep yourselves away from windows. We'll move to the first cabin." Pleads Matthias.

The Captain and Co-Pilot are attempting to contact the two unknown planes but their callings go unanswered. As they are reporting their situation to the headquarter on Kabul, the most unwanted event arrives. The jet's radar blinks and beeps with red Missile Alert icons and background color blinks. The Captain decides to raise their laert into DEFPLAN 1 which means hostile situation. He announces, " All hands, brace for turbulence. We have hostile situation. I repeat, we have hostile situation." 

The jet omits countermeasure flares to decoy the two incoming missiles which works then strafes sharp to the right which inflicts the cabins' position and throws objects. Though the situation is serious, no one is panicked. All of Private Echelon Personnel have been trained before to face such situation on the air, land and sea including inside a submarine. The planes strafes to the right and left to lose its pursuers while generously omit its decoy flares. The acts frustate their pursuers and they decide to bring down the jet in old way, machine guns. The pursuers push more accelerate and get closer with the jet. The jet passengers begin to hear a familiar wheezing sound with sounds of small things collide the jet's frame on the roof. " They are shooting us with machine guns!" Yells Nate. The jet pilot, knowing this, decides to perform his desperate manouver. First, he turns left sharply and try to face the sun which render his pursuers to turn away their sight then stall down to far lower attitude followed by the dazed pursuers. The Su-35's flies straight down toward the jet from the right and the left peperring it with machine gun fires combined with missiles which would miss and causing in line explosions on ground. Several bullets manage to break the windows at the abandoned cabin where Nate was. One of the fighter, when it reaches near the ground, loses control and crashes a small hill. Nothing is left from it except engulfing flame ball. It angered the another fighter pilot and he deploys his desperate manouver. He maximizes his speed to approach the fleeing jet closer and shoots at its double afterburners that severes its vertical wing.

The plane loses its balance and glides down less controlably. Captain Jason Cunningham and his Co-Pilot, Captain Caiden Behari, tries very hard to control its gliding speed while finding a good site to land. Coincidentally, he sees a long flat brown high ground and aims the jet to the site. He speaks through his communication device, " All hands, brace for emergency landing!" The cabins' situation become eerie. " Twenty second for impact!"... " Fifteen!"... " Ten!".. " Five!".. " Ready for impact!" The Jet slams the ground and dragged by its power, sliding. The initial impact and sliding, shakes the cockpit and all cabins. Inside Nate's shelter cabin, everything's in chaos. Suddenly, the plane crashes large rock and make a sharp turn that break it apart. On the last impact, Nate's sight becomes dark.

License: Personal use and read only. Further usage requiring permission from author.
Disclaimer: All contents are fiction.

To be continued